Courtesy: Guardians of the Headstones

A boy in England who came up with a simple business washing tombstones has been flooded with offers and donations from all over the country.

After the national publicity, the young entrepreneur decided to donate 10% of profits to Stevie Stones, a charity that pays for memorials on behalf of families who have lost children.

It started as a class project; a pocket money idea. Ben from Derbyshire was washing his grandmother’s headstone, and decided to offer the service to his neighbors.

After his mother posted the job offer on social media, which Ben decided to call Guardians of the Headstones, it went viral, triggering thousands of responses.

“I found my mom, at half-five or six in the morning, counting all the responses we had,” Ben told the BBC. “There were almost too many to count, hundreds, maybe thousands. People were offering free haircuts, free sweets from a shop, free photography, lots of amazing things.”

Walking into school the following day, everyone had seen what had happened thanks to the school principal. Ben said that he was roundly congratulated for his enterprise, and felt that people he had known for years were kinder towards him.

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“It’s just how some people are just so kind and support even some of the weirdest ideas,” he said. “And there’s always a bit of good in the world and that’s lovely.”

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After Ben followed up on the offers by saying he would donate part of his proceeds to Stevie Stones, it too received a glut of attention, including one man among dozens who offered to donate $75 every month.

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